Therefore, the mainland legal system country this kind by judge decided the request appraisal and the leading role science appraisal is called the expert evidence in the appraisal. 因此,大陆法系国家将这种由法官决定委托鉴定并在鉴定中起主导作用的科学鉴定称为司法鉴定。
After the identifications, fingerprint experts presented expert evidence in 394 cases. no mark of value for identification purpose 在394宗案件中,指模专家在鉴证后提交专家证供。没有足够的纹印可供鉴证
Expert evidence method of weighting in mineral resources forecasting with GIS 矿产资源预测中的GIS支持下专家证据权重法
They have provided expert evidence in claims that floats were sold too cheaply or allocated to the wrong investors. 在主张上市价格过低或是股票配售给了错误投资者的案件中,他们都提供过专业证据。
A ballistics expert was taking evidence at the scene of the crime. 一位弹道学家正在犯罪现场提取证据。
Results The major purpose of copying the medical records was for health insurance covering major cases of illness, and others were expert evidence and compensation of medical insure. 结果复印病案办理大病统筹的数量占第一位,其次为报销凭证、司法鉴定和保险理赔等。
The Analysis of the Expert Evidence of the Cause of H's Death on the Science of Evidence Law H死亡原因鉴定结论的证据法学分析
A Study on the Legal Problems Relating to the Maritime Expert Evidence in China 我国海事鉴定法律问题的探讨
The theory and rules of admissibility and the case law of expert evidence in the US indicate the trend of development of expert evidence system in the common law system. 美国专家证据可采性的理论、判例和规则代表了普通法系专家证据制度的发展趋势。
The Part two focus on two particular maritime items in evidence system, i.e. evidence investigation procedure and expert evidence. 在第一部分奠定的理论基础上,第二部分提出了海事诉讼证据改革先行的问题,并选取证据调查制度和专家证人制度两大海事诉讼特色证据问题详细探讨。
Expert evidence is a type of evidence in Anglo-American Law. 专家证据是英美法中的一项证据类型。
As a typical kind of evidence in the Common Law family, expert evidence is extremely significant to court trials in Common Law countries and expert opinions are usually crucial to the court trials and judgment. 专家证据制度对于英美法国家的法庭审判有着十分重大的意义,专家意见对于案件的审理和判决往往可以起到决定性的作用。
On the basis of the foregoing three parts, Part ⅳ will put forward with some proposals for reforming the system of expert evidence in China. 第四部分是在前三部分讨论的基础上,结合我国鉴定体制的现状而拟在我国鉴定立法上所作的一些设想,其目的是为了实现分析问题之后的解决问题。
Expert evidence method of weighting and its application in the eastern Kunlun Mountain 专家证据权重法及其在东昆仑地区的应用
This article, from the shape of expert witness system of common law, analyses the influence that it has on our country expert evidence system and brings out some thoughts of how to perfect it. 本文试从英美法系专家证人形态入手,分析引进专家证人制度对我国司法鉴定制度带来的影响及其完善的路径。
On the above basis, the author analyzes some basic jurisprudential issues of admissibility of expert evidence and discusses their reference value to China in the reform of its judicial identification system. 对涉及专家证据可采性的专家证据的依据、专家证据的范围、审查专家证据可靠性的主体、专家证据可靠性的标准等基本法理问题进行了探讨。
The article introduced the legal responsibility and its scope, the historical of conduct standard and the function of expert evidence adducing in judging hospital staff dereliction of duty in USA. 本文介绍美国法律责任及责任范围的确定、职业行为标准的历史发展过程、专家举证在法庭判定医护人员失职的程序中的作用。
The article discusses the general theory of admissibility of expert evidence, introduces some important cases relating to the admissibility of expert evidence and developments of federal rules of evidence in the US since the threshold of the last century. 本文介绍了专家证据可采性的一般理论,梳理了一百多年来美国法上有关专家证据可采性的若干重要判例及联邦证据规则的演进过程。
However, whether acceptance the expertise conclusion, as a kind of expert evidence, is decided by the court. 但是鉴定结论可以作为专家证据由法庭决定是否采纳。
The article correspondingly suggests that the ascertainment of the witness testimony and expert conclusion evidence, along with a judge's discretion in the course of the evidence ascertainment, should be improved. 文章对证人证言和鉴定结论证据的认定以及法官在证据认定中的自由裁量权均提出了相应的完善建议。
The article reveals a general trend to extend and restrict the use of expert evidence on the basis of analysis the rules and cases on expert evidence in English and other countries'civil procedure. 通过分析专家证据在职责、运用、效力、人数、费用、形式等诸多方面的限制,系统论述了专家证据的程序规则和基本特征。
In the admission of expert evidence, legal, opening, objective and overall principles must be followed. 鉴定结论的采信应当坚持合法、公开、客观和全面的原则。
As an exception of Opinion Evidence Rule, Expert Opinion Evidence Rule becomes the focus in recent years. 作为意见证据一般规则的例外情况,专家意见证据规则近年来备受关注。
The author introduces the concept, history of the expert evidence system, the rights and obligations of expert witness in two legal system starting from the concept of the expert witness. 笔者以专家证人和鉴定人的概念入手介绍了两大法系中专家证据制度和鉴定人制度的概念、历史沿革和专家证人、鉴定人各自的权利、义务。
These methods mainly have the scene to investigate, the investigation visit, the detection experiment and the expert evidence. 这些方法主要有现场勘查、调查访问、侦查实验和司法鉴定。
Different litigious modes have yielded different expert evidence systems. They have different values and legal characteristics. 不同的诉讼模式产生出不同的鉴定证据制度,其价值取向、法律性格各不相同。
In China, The victim statement has always been an independent type of statutory evidence as the accused statement, the witness testimony and the expert evidence. 在我国,被害人陈述与犯罪嫌疑人、被告人供述和辩解、证人证言、鉴定结论一样,历来就是一种独立的法定证据种类。
Expert Opinion Evidence Rule involves Expert Witness, Expert Opinion, Credibility, Professional Rule and other issues. 专家意见证据规则是针对专家证人、专家意见、专家意见可信性和专门性等问题设立的证据规则制度。
Forensic conclusion, as expert opinion evidence, can help the judge find out the fact, and identify whether other evidence is true and reliable. 鉴定结论作为一种专业性意见证据,起着帮助法官查明案件事实和鉴别其他证据是否真买、可靠的重要作用。
The forensic science ( expert evidence) is refers to the lawsuit activity the expert utilizes the science and technology or the specialized knowledge the technicality question which involves to the lawsuit carries on distinguishes and judges and provides the expert opinion the activity. 司法鉴定是指在诉讼活动中鉴定人运用科学技术或者专门知识对诉讼涉及的专门性问题进行鉴别和判断并提供鉴定意见的活动。